Dream of Butterfly

In that short sleep that felt forever, I dreamt I was a butterfly.
I could not tell I was dreaming as everything felt much real
than fiction. But when I woke into this commonplace, I was
the I I am familiar with, the I that has always been instilled
as I in myself. That is when I start to make an assumption
that I was not the butterfly.

But which part is the real here? Was I dreaming that I was
the butterfly? Or was the butterfly dreaming that it was me?
Even if there is a difference between the butterfly and I, the
distinction is not absolute. And there is no relationship of
cause and effect. There is no truth that can be achieved by
our limited and feeble senses. As God has made us in
His image.

Malaysian Male Peers' Daily Talks

A daily routine talk goes as follow, as of today lets say, the talk is about computers:

"I own a new computer with the latest spec." "Oh really? I also have..." -or- if he doesnt he would start boasting about a computer he knows of someone's else which he played on or able to compared with.

And the debate goes on, but it is not debate on performance or technicalities no - its more like "yours is rubbish man!" or "Haha it must be as slow as your fat ass!" or "Your computer parts are all messed up just like your pregnant stomach!" This is the point where you would realize how un-useful this conversation would be. Very little tech facts, but 99% boasting, big talks and supposedly 'funny' taunts.

The same goes with talks about girls. Unfortunately, the opposite sex is discussed as likened to computers as well. So far to say that girls are treated as objects too.

"Some new girls are in town"
"Any of them pretty?"
"I wouldnt say so, yeah half of em are just ok, few are better though"
"Ive heard that this guy has already dated with that new pretty girl"
"What? Damn he is fast! But I will get that better one you will see!"
"What? No way! You fat ass cant get any"
"Oh yeah? You musclefreak cant do any better you know!"
- and the boasting/pestering thing starts all over again.

Now compare the previous conversation with this discussion about computers:

Example (remixed)
"Some new computers are out"
"Any of them good?"
"I wouldnt say so, yeah half of em are just ok, few are better though"
"Ive heard that this guy has already update his computer with parts of them"
"What? Damn he is fast! But I will get that better one you will see!"
"What? No way! You fat ass cant get any"
"Oh yeah? You musclefreak cant do any better you know!"
- and the boasting/pestering thing starts again, the vicious cycle continues.

It is by far, okay to talk about new pretty girls or gadgets that you like (yes Im that liberal too, I understand). But once again 99% of the talk is again are those of gibberish and whimsical talks that goes nowhere. If you were in the conversation, even if you filter the long messages, the only lessons you get are:

1. Im fat, better look out on my diet and exercise
2. And thats it
3. Yeah.. Im sure thats all
4. Seriously

So, where did the rest of the almost an hour talk go? Garbage bin, of course.

Personal note: This is where I find myself hard to fit in. Are they really going to talk only irrelevant, self-boasting and taunting stuff while on leisure? And I myself dont endeavor in competing "I have the latest ipad" followed by "Oh yeah? I have the -insert latest uber gadget phone here or a comparable one-" What is the purpose? There are many words used, very little facts, and little less of self-enlightenment and improvement.

Verdict: Life goes on. oh wait do I have one?

WARNING: Because of the 'oh so serious' comments pls note that this is of course exaggerated and a satirical take on such common issues. Or maybe not and you are afraid of the truth aint you?
